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Seat Roller - CRES Repair Sleeve

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Part# 05-27092
MFR Model# M-01-1002


    This kit includes the stainless steel sleeves. The self-lubricating polymer alloy bushings are not included in this kit. Please refer to M-01-1001 for the Aerostar Seat Roller Repair Bushing Kit.

  • Seats in the Aerostar are designed to roll on four aluminum rollers located at each seat corner. The rollers are made from a relatively soft aluminum running against steel sleeves, and are not supposed to be lubricated in accordance with the aircraft maintenance requirements. If the wear is uneven across the four rollers, the worn roller will not be able to support the seat which can cause the seat to bind making it difficult to move forward and backward.

  • Marsh Brothers AeroTough® bushings are made of a self-lubricating AeroTough® material that is designed to replace the aluminum rollers. Due to it's unique properties, AeroTough® will run without wear for a very long time. No more metal on metal wear!

  • It is recommended that all four rollers in a seat be repaired at the same time, even if there is no evidence of wear. This single-seat repair ensures that all the rollers in the seat function in a similar and consistent manner.



Please note, Aircraft Spruce Australia's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Aircraft Spruce Australia assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. Any product eligibility information provided here is based on general application guides and we recommend always referring to your specific aircraft parts manual, the parts manufacturer or consulting with a qualified mechanic.

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